Use the Foods tab to organize, edit, and review your custom Meals, Foods and Recipes. Here, you can also browse our database of foods, set Repeat Items and use the nutrient Oracle to search for foods high in certain nutrients.
- Create Custom Meals
- Create Custom Foods
- Create Custom Recipes
- Repeat Items
- Suggest Food
- Oracle Nutrient Search
- Search Foods
Access the foods tab by tapping on the button labelled Foods at the bottom of your screen:
Custom Meals
Custom Meals are a great way to easily log items you frequently eat together. For example, the porridge, banana and coffee that make up your breakfast.
You can read more about creating Custom Meals here.
Custom Recipes
Custom Recipes are a good way to easily log the ingredients that make up your favourite recipes. For example the milk, oats and sugar in your porridge.
Custom Recipes also offer the option to add a serving size, if you do not eat the whole recipe in one serving.
You can read more about creating Custom Recipes here.
Custom Foods
Custom Foods are a good way to add nutrients for a food that is not included in one of our databases.
Create a custom food via the foods tab by adding nutrients manually. You can also create a custom food directly from the Barcode scanner if no associated barcode is found.
Repeat Items
Gold users have access to the Set Repeating Items feature. If you eat the same thing most days, you can make it easier, add these to your repeating items and they will all be added to your diary with just one tap!
You can learn more about repeat items here.
Suggest Food
Gold users have access to our Suggest Food feature. This is an engine that searches a curated list of common foods and meals that will help you to meet your remaining nutrition targets for the day.
You can learn more about the Suggest Food feature here.
Oracle Nutrient Search
The Oracle Nutrient Search can help you find foods that are good sources for a particular nutrient.
You can learn more about the Oracle Nutrient Search here.
Search Foods
Use the search icon in the top right corner to search all foods in Cronometer's database, including lab analyzed foods, branded foods, Restaurant items, your own custom foods and recipes, and custom foods and recipes shared to you by your friends or professionals.