Gold users have access to a number of single and multivariable charts.
Tap Manage Charts at the top of your screen, or use the menu in the top right corner of your charts screen to select which charts you would like to be visible on your trends tab, then toggle on or off the charts you would like to see.
Chart Library Presets:
Energy Consumed
Chart your consumed macronutrients and energy over time. Short term views will display more detailed bar chart, and long term views will display a more readable format for larger data sets. Tapping each bar in the chart will display your nutrient values for each day.
Single Metric
View a specific metric over time, including any custom biometrics you have created.
Single Nutrient
View a specific nutrient over time, as logged from the food or supplements in your diary.
Weight + Body Fat
Weight and Body Fat metrics are commonly used health indicators for many healthcare practitioners. (4)
Weight + Waist Size
Waist circumference measurements have been found to be more predictive of adverse outcomes than total fat. (5)
Glucose Ketone Index
Glucose Ketone Index (GKI) is a is a ratio of Blood Glucose (mmol) divided by Blood Ketones (mmol). The ratio of blood glucose to blood ketones is a clinical biomarker for metabolic management. (1)
You can read more about the Glucose Ketone Index chart here.
Blood Pressure + Heart Rate
Blood Pressure is charted against Heart Rate to provide correlational data about your cardiovascular health. (2)
You can read more about the Blood Pressure + Heart Rate chart here.
Lipid Panel
View data for Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol and LDL Cholesterol. Lipid profile assessment is an important tool to help in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. (3)
Note, this data is from Blood levels (not nutrient intake levels). To view data for this chart you must log biometrics in your diary for Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol and LDL Cholesterol.
Single Nutrition Score
Nutrition Scores are calculated from how much of each nutrient target and nutrient ratio in the category you have achieved, based on the data available in the foods you have logged to your diary.
Sleep Stages
This chart will appear is you are connected to a device that tracks sleep stages.
Custom Charts
Your custom charts will also be contained in this list. They can be shown/hidden, edited or deleted in this view as well. Tap Create new chart to get started!
Learn more about managing charts in the web version of Cronometer