By default, we set each nutrient to the recommended values set by the USDA Dietary Reference Intakes. These targets are set based on your age and sex. Ideally, you should strive to achieve at least 100% of all your daily minimum nutrient targets.
Cronometer is a tool to track consumption and all targets we have set by default are not for everyone. If you have different needs we encourage you to make the changes based on your healthcare professional's recommendation or personal preference. If you'd like help achieving your health and fitness goals and want someone who can work with you using Cronometer, check out our Pro Directory to find a coach, nutritionist or trainer near you.
Learn about:
Edit Nutrient Targets from the More tab
- Go to More > Targets > Nutrient Targets
- Select a category to find the nutrient you want to customize
- Toggle on the Custom button
- Enter a value directly in the Daily Target and Max Threshold fields (The Daily Target will be the one seen in the Nutrient Summary in the Daily Report and in the Nutrition Report)
- Toggle on the Visible button to make nutrients visible in your reports
Some nutrients are not visible by default as they are not generally available from our nutrition data sources. Since there is very little data for these nutrients in our database, the values reported in your nutrient targets may be significantly lower than your actual intake.
Editing Targets From the Nutrition Report
- Go to Discover > More
- Scroll down to Complete Nutrient Summary
- Tap on a nutrient target bar
- Toggle on Use Custom Values instead of DRIs
- Enter a value directly in the Daily Target and Max Threshold fields
To edit macronutrient targets (carbohydrates, protein, and fat), you must go to More > Targets > Macronutrient Settings.
Learn how to edit Nutrient Targets in the Web version of Cronometer