You can find the Suggest Foods button at the top right of the Nutrient Targets section in your diary.
Cronometer will suggest foods that help complete unmet targets for the day, while also attempting to match your macronutrient goals, and not go over any limits.
You can filter suggestions to include Vegetarian only, vegan only, or all foods and you can also filter out seafood, nuts, dairy, supplements, and recipes in order to exclude items that may not be appropriate for your needs.
- Select the thumbs down to say Yuck! and rate this food lower for future recommendations. Select the thumbs up to say Yum! and see it rated higher for future recommendations.
- You can select the X next to the food to remove it from your current suggestions without effecting its rating for future recommendations.
- Select Add to diary to choose to eat the food on the current day! If you add the food to your diary, make sure you adjust your serving size accordingly!