If you found a bug or issue on the website, please let us know about it! We'd love to hear from you so we can get it fixed as soon as possible!
Before contacting us, we'd love if you can help us out by troubleshooting the issue first!
Basic Troubleshooting Steps:
- Refresh your page
- Try using a different browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge)
- Please try clearing the cache
- If you are using a VPN, try turning it off
- If you have any browser extensions, try turning them off
Specific Troubleshooting
To Report the issue:
Please contact us using the help button in the bottom left corner of your screen, or email us at support@cronometer.com. (*note: Please email us from the address associated with your Cronometer account. To protect your privacy, we must verify your account prior to investigating any account specifics.)
Please include the following information:
- Please describe the problem that this issue has caused for you
- Did you get an error message? If yes, let us know exactly which one (A screenshot could be helpful!)
- Can we reproduce the problem? If so, please tell us how we can reproduce this bug!
- (ie. does it stop you from logging a food, accessing the app, seeing certain data, etc.)
- Does the issue happen after a specific action or on a specific screen?
- Please include a screen recording or screenshots of the issue if possible
- Can you resolve the issue either temporarily or permanently? (ie. by refreshing the page, clearing the cache, or other troubleshooting steps)
- Is there a workaround can you use in the meantime?
Please include relevant screenshots or screen recordings. Any extra relevant information will help us address the issue more quickly!
If you want to report an issue on the mobile app, click here