Clicking on your client's name will bring you to the client view where you can access the tabs along the top of the screen for easy access to their diary, profile and targets, target scheduler, charts, nutrition report, snapshots and notes. You can also access a settings menu in the top right corner to access even more functionality:
- Generate report
- Restrict nutrient view
- Pro Lock Settings
- Share foods
- Export data
- Edit Client name
- Remove client
Generate Report
Generate a full nutritional report as seen in the trends tab.
Toggle On Hide All Nutrition Information, if you would like to prevent your client from seeing any of the nutrition information presented in the app. This can be particularly useful for clients with eating disorders.
Pro Lock Settings
You can restrict clients from making any changes to their Target Settings and Macro Scheduler Settings by toggling the following on.
Go to Clients > Select a client > Click on Profile + Targtes OR Macro Scheduler
When your client's settings have been locked, they will see the following message in their settings letting them know.
Share Foods/ Recipes
Share specific custom foods and recipes with your clients. Share to the client you are viewing or tick the box at the bottom to share your selected foods and recipes with all your clients.
Export Data
Export your client's data for a specified date range to a CSV file in order to view the data in a spreadsheet format.
Edit Name
Edit your client's name which appears on your client list and any reports generated.
Remove client
Selecting this option will remove the client from your clients list if you would like to stop tracking their data. Removing the client from your list will also revoke their Gold access, however they will retain all data they or you have logged in their account. They will also no longer be able to access any foods or recipes you have shared with them though they will retain any entries of these foods in their diary.