If you can confirm that the information in Cronometer's database does not match that on your Food's Nutrition Facts Table, please report an issue to the Curation Team.
You can do this on the Web version of Cronometer with the following steps:
Search for the Food
If no food is listed in the database, you can also search for the food's barcode number in the search box.
If you still cannot find the appropriate food listing, create a custom food and submit it for publishing. Our curation team will be happy to add the food associated with this barcode!
Click Listed Nutrients
Click Listed Nutrients to view a complete listing of the nutrients in the database listing. You can also access the full listing by searching for the food in the Foods tab. There are a number of reasons you may be seeing numbers that look different than your packaging. Check for the following before reporting an issue:
- Serving size: Make sure you have entered the appropriate serving size. Please note, some errors may occur due to rounding differences. The serving size for your packaging may be different. When comparing numbers, be sure to look at the numbers listed for the serving size associated with the nutrition facts table
- Listed Nutrients: Products that haven't been analyzed by NCCDB and USDA have nutrition labels that only include a very basic set of nutrients mandated by law. Cronomter is not a lab and does not test foods for their nutrient content. In order to maintain accuracy, listings can only provide the information that is available from the manufacturer.
- DRI's vs. %DV: The %DV that you see on nutrition labels is a standardized value used for nutrition labels to help people better understand amounts on labels. In the Cronometer Calories Summary, the Nutrient Targets shows your nutrition targets for the day. Each target has an optional minimum and maximum value. By default, the minimum is set to the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) value for your body type, and the maximum is set to the Tolerable Upper Limit (TUL), when available, values which can be quite different than the %DV value on a label.
- Check the Data Source: Data reported from NCCDB and USDA have compiled results from different lab analyses and research papers to provide us with a comprehensive nutrient profile that may not precisely match your food's packaging due to rounding differences.
Select the Three Dot Menu
To report an issue with the food, select the three dot menu in the top right corner of your screen. Choose Report Issue from the Drop-down menu.
Describe the Issue
Please provide a description of the discrepancy you see to help us better address the problem.
Provide Photos
We require clear photos of both the front of the package (including the brand and name of the product) and the nutrition information listed on the package. We require these photos to confirm this is the exact product formulation. Many brands have multiple formulations of similar products for different countries.
Cronometer's curation team typically addresses issues within 1 business day. If you have not received a response please contact support@cronometer.com