Add widgets to your home screen to see your latest stats at a glance!
You can add the following types of widgets to your home screen:
To add a home screen widget:
- From the home screen of your iPhone, touch and hold a widget or an empty area until the apps jiggle.
- Tap the + button in the upper-left corner.
- Search for Cronometer in the search bar
- There are three widget sizes for each type. Scroll until you find the one you'd like and then tap Add Widget.
- It will now appear in your iPhone home screen.
Energy Consumed
This widget gives you a summary highlighting the macronutrient breakdown of your energy consumed. There is also the option to view eight highlighted nutrients along with the macronutrient summary. Tapping on the widget launches the Cronometer Diary.
Energy Remaining
This widget lets you view how many calories (kcal) or kilojoules (kJ) are remaining to reach your target. There is also the option to view the progress of your energy consumption along with eight highlighted targets. Tap the add food button to add food to your Cronometer diary.
This widget will let you view the elapsed time of your current fast or time left until the next scheduled fast. The is also the option to view the fasting progress bar and fasting stats. Tap on the widget to edit/start fasts in Cronometer.
Water Tracking
This widget will allow you to quickly add or remove water glasses. Tap on the + or - buttons and this will update your Water Widget in the mobile app.
This widget allows you to see your food logging streak. Remember to log food in your diary every day so you do not lose your streak! Tap on the widget to open the food search.