You can see a complete nutrient breakdown of your day in your Daily Report. To get to your report:
- Tap on the overflow menu in the top right corner of your Diary
- Tap on View Daily Report
The Daily Report is split into 6 different sections:
- Energy Summary
- Macronutrient Targets
- Highlighted Targets
- Nutrition Scores
- Complete Nutrient Summary
- Nutrient Balance
Energy Summary
Calories Consumed
Calories Consumed indicates total Calories that were eaten through the foods that you have logged in your diary for the selected day.
Macronutrients are broken down as percentages of total Calories.
Calorie Expenditure
Calorie Expenditure indicates total Calories Burned for the day. This includes your Basal Metabolic Rate, Activity, and Thermic Effect of Food (if you have set this).
Cronometer shows the total amount of calories that will be burned through the total day (all 24 hours), which is why you are seeing calories at the start of the day. This includes the energy needed for the basic functioning of your body (Basal Metabolic Rate) multiplied by the factor of Activity Level you have chosen. The number will then increase as you log exercises throughout the day. Learn more about this here.
Energy Budget (or Balance)
We have two distinct modes for this third circle: Energy Target and Energy Balance.
Target Mode is meant to show you, in reference to your target, how much you have remaining or how over your target you are.
If you have set a Weight Goal, the calculation is:
Energy Target = Baseline Target (+/- Weight Goal if you have set this) + Exercise Above Baseline (if you have set this) - Consumed
If you have set a Custom Energy Target, the calculation is:
Energy Target = Custom Energy Target + Exercise Above Baseline (if you have set this) - Consumed
Balance Mode is simply meant to show you the basic energy balance of Burned - Consumed.
It will tell you if you are in a deficit or a surplus based on Consumed vs Burned, regardless of if you've set a Custom Energy Target or Weight Goal.
You can learn more about Budget and Balance mode here.
Macronutrient Targets
Here you can learn how much of each macronutrient you have consumed in relation to your targets.
Tap on a target bar to edit the target or see which foods have contributed the most to that macronutrient.
To edit your macronutrient targets, go to More > Targets > Macro & Energy Targets.
Highlighted Targets
You can view your Highlighted Targets in this section. Lean more about how you can customize your highlighted targets here.
Nutrition Scores
You can also see a summary of your Nutrition Scores. Learn more about Nutrition Scores here.
Complete Nutrient Summary
This detailed section shows all of your nutrients. Scroll down to view all of your macronutrient and micronutrient breakdowns.
- Bars colored in Grey mean you have not yet reached your daily target.
- Bars colored in Green mean you have met the daily target and not yet exceeded your maximum target.
- Bars colored in Red mean you have exceeded your maximum threshold.
A target may have a minimum and maximum value set, but neither are required. By default, we set each nutrient to the USDA Dietary Reference Intakes.
The basic idea for these targets is to get at least 100% of the minimum value each day to have good nutrition. For nutrients that have a maximum, it is recommended to not exceed the maximum value.
Tap a target bar to see the top contributors from your diary on that day and to view or edit the nutrient targets.
You can edit your Nutrient Targets directly through the Daily Report by:
- Tapping on a nutrient target bar
- Toggle on Use Custom Values Instead of DRIs
- Enter a desired values directly in the Daily Target and Max Threshold fields
Nutrient Balance
At the bottom of your Daily Report you will see your Nutrient Balances. Learn more about Nutrient Balances here.