Swipe the top banner in the Diary to the second page to view your Macronutrient Breakdown for the day. The percentages listed for each Macro target bar indicate the percentage of your macronutrient target you have reached. Tap on Consumed in the top right to see how many grams are Remaining to reach your macronutrient target.
Tap on any target bar to get to the Targets Summary page. Here you can see a detailed view of each macronutrient. Tap on Top Sources to view your top sources for that macronutrient and to learn more about its function.
Tap on the Energy, Protein, Carbs, and Fat tabs at the top to switch views.
If you have Macro Scheduler enabled, you will see which template is scheduled for today. You can select a different template or Edit Today's Macro Targets, which will only edit today's targets. Or tap on the overflow menu and tap on Macro Scheduler Settings to get to the main Macro Scheduler Settings.
If you'd like to edit your default targets you can tap on Edit Default Targets at the top of your Target Summary page, which will take you to the main Macronutrient Settings page.